Friday, December 30, 2011

Bon Annee

I will miss these faces!

 But not at 3am...
Bon voyage our little kitties!
See you in 2012.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Julia's Dinner

Duck confit to practice for the trip to France.
Stephen Dunne at Volo makes it the best.

I love this girl.
I'm glad she was born.
Happy Birthday, Julia.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Lights Run

It was a glorious night for a run.

This last house definitely gets an 'A' for effort!
Lots o' lights!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Representin' Chi-town

Two people are the best:
Jason S. Thompson
(the best boyfriend in the whole world)
Kate Sanderson
(the best purse maker in the whole world)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tis the Season!

Jason and I had a fancy party to go to off of Michigan Ave last night.
It was great timing because the Bush family was also in the area!
Coops was having a great time with his new Lego guys.

Clara was very excited that we popped in. I'm glad we did! It's always fun to see my family in MY neck of the woods. :)

We also had a drawing contest where Jason, Trent and I each drew the Christmas tree.
Cooper drew Elf for our fridge.

~~~Happy Holidays~~~

Friday, December 2, 2011


Brown line - Paulina stop.
Destination - Harrington College of Design
Just finalized my schedule for January - April.
I will be doing this commute Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday nights.
__________, give me strength!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

7 years ago

I was on my way from Chicago to the Quad Cities.
It was unexpected.
I had just arrived back to Chicago after a Thanksgiving weekend with everyone.
I was numb. I don't remember much from the ride...
only that I didn't want there to be any reason for the phone to ring.

It was a long stay in the NICU for baby and another unexpected stay in the hospital for her mom. Another car ride that I can't really remember...

...because those memories are being layered over with so many wonderful new ones.
I mean, look at this girl go!
Nothing will stop her.
7 years of a sweet girl and her strong mama.
That's something to be thankful for.

After 2 years of a crack in my entire line of sight...

...I have a shiny new windshield! Beep! Beep!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Crazy cat lady

It's hard to concentrate with all of this fur on my lap.

Working from home today.

I caught them.
This is one of the many benefits of being self employed and having a flexible schedule.

Our little living gifts

Jason and I put up a small fake tree this year. See, we have these lil curious guys roaming around the house and they have made it their mission to get into EVERYTHING.

After repetitively trying to climb up the 4.5 foot pre-lit tree, getting doused with shots of water, and trying again, they both tuckered out and all was forgiven.

Miss Annie and her students

This was the sweetest thing to witness. She had me be the preschool teacher and she was the kindergarten teacher. It basically centered around coming up with names and then matching a baby with that name. Then she split them up into my classroom and her classroom. Then we started all over. She's the best. :)

What I'm most thankful for.

This was meant to be my Thanksgiving Day offering. But my attempts at mobile blogging failed. I'm going to cheat and play catch up for the other days. Deal with it.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Paint Pants

My work uniform. Maybe I should start an Ebay account too. I've been asked many times where I bought them..

Sunday, November 20, 2011